Direct mail for attorneys expands your market reach, but it's often overlooked by firms that lack the time or knowledge to deploy these resources effectively. Oftentimes, busy lawyers may rush the process and then wonder if there are better ways to do direct mail available to them.
After all, few would argue that law firms see a positive bottom line impact when direct mail is used correctly. So what could be going wrong? Read on to learn about 7 better ways to do direct mail for attorneys in order to maximize its effectiveness.
1. Carefully Identify Your Direct Mail Target
The most important element of direct mail for attorneys is identifying the group or groups you want to target with your message. At Key Dynamics, we use a trigger-based data-driven solutions to reach the right people as soon as they need you. In jurisdictions across the country, we mail for criminal and civil court matters every day that connect people in need of legal help to lawyers like you.
When the right public data is made available, direct mail campaigns are incredibly effective and efficient. However when public data isn't as readily available, another way to reach the right audience is by taking into consideration specific demographic information and geographic areas.
This includes basic information about your prospect's age, gender, marital status, family size, and location. Demographic data can be obtained from sources such as the Census Bureau and commercial marketing companies, like Acxiom or Experian.
Geographic Information
Geographic analyses give you more specific details about where your prospects live, such as city and state, name, zip code, or even street address. With this level of specificity, you can target only those areas where you know there are people who fit your target profile.
For example, a divorce lawyer may target only those zip codes where there are people who have been married in the past ten years and own homes valued at more than $300,000.
2. Direct Mail for Attorneys Works Best When Conveying One Specific Message
Your direct mail marketing material should convey one message loudly and clearly. This way, people will be less likely to tune your message out because it's too complex, plus they will likely retain it for a longer period of time. Also, be sure to include a prominent call to action (CTA).
For example, if you are a DUI attorney planning to do direct mail during the holiday season, consider putting your phone number front and center and emphasize that your team is standing by to help anyone that gets caught in a DUI checkpoint.
As another example, let's say that you're a personal injury lawyer seeking clients to participate in the NEC baby formula lawsuit. The better ways to do direct mail for attorneys would be to place the brand names Enfamil and Similac prominently on your materials so young mothers will immediately know if they have been affected and then let them know in your CTA that lawsuits are ongoing NOW.
3. Postcards Are a Good Supplement in a Attorney Direct Mail Campaign
Postcards can benefit any direct mail campaign because it reminds recipients of your name, your brand, how you can help them, and it does so in a different format: a call-to-action that's front and center and often framed around glossy-colored images.
This tends to increase the total effectiveness of a mail campaign.
As an added benefit, postcards are generally cheaper, so you can supplement them to an existing mail campaign while expending less of a budget than you might ordinarily.
4. Putting a Face on Your Firm
Use photos of your legal team in the materials you send out. This will help potential clients emotionally connect with your practice. If you have an office pet, you might include a photo of them in the mix as well.
In addition, if you have a personal connection with someone prominent in the neighborhood, make sure your target audience knows it.
For example, if the city Mayor competed against you in high school sports, mention that fact in your direct mail. It will show the recipient that you are a member of the community and don't view them as just another potential client in need of legal services.
5. Consider Email Marketing Strategy When Implementing Direct Mail for Attorneys
Some law firms take advantage of strategic email marketing techniques when running a direct mail campaign. This can help convey brand familiarity and trust. However, at the end of the day, you will have much less competition in a physical mailbox than you have in any email inbox. If you want your message to be seen, direct mail reigns supreme.
This is not to say that you have to give up your email list. If the opportunity is right, consider adding clients you retain to ongoing email campaign. Stay in their orbit after you secure them as a client. Keep your messaging consistent throughout and your brand strong.
6. Your Direct Mail Should Be Created with Only High-Quality Materials
If the recipient doesn't like the look or feel of what they are reading, then chances are they won't even bother reading all the way through it and will just toss it in the trash right away. This means that all your hard work has been wasted.
But if you have strong enough content and beautiful printing behind it all, you may reach thousands of clients in one fell swoop with direct mail for attorneys that produces results.
7. Professional Printers Provide Better Ways to Do Direct Mail for Attorneys
Trying to prepare and execute a direct mail campaign on your own may be disastrous for many reasons. Firstly, it takes a lot of time and effort to design a good mailing piece and create a great database from which to send it out, and many attorneys don't have the time.
Lawyers also may not have access to a printer, since these are usually available only in large firms with extensive resources. For these reasons and many more, it just makes sense to rely on professionals. That's where we come in.
Our clients include solo practitioners, small law firms, mid-sized firms and large national firms spanning a wide range of practice areas. Key Dynamics helps attorneys find better ways to do direct mail through strategic campaign design, data-driven list selection and advanced printing technology. We've helped numerous law firms achieve better results than they ever thought possible, and we can do the same for you.
Are you ready to take your direct mail marketing to the next level? Reach out and receive a sample of our campaigns, along with an estimated prospect database that your company could expect to reach on a monthly basis. On average, our direct mail campaigns bring a 3-5% call return rate.
At Key Dynamics, we welcome any feedback, advice, or business consultation our clients may have. Our dedicated team is always available to answer any questions you may have. Drop us a line: or give us a call today at (888) 855-0402.